Date: 17- 05- 20

(Late Baljeet Uppal (S-300) was brilliant in studies, excellent in sports, a natural leader, very well behaved and editor of the School Chronicle. This is the last ‘Poutpourri’ he wrote for the Chronicle. In it he sees his years in school flash by as he is about to leave the school. He was considered by many in the staff to be the best the Headboy, The School had ever had. The picture shows the school football team of 1978. Baljeet is sitting on left of Acting Headmaster Mr GS Punia in the centre)

The Last Potpourri


 –Baljeet Uppal (S-300, 1976), Headboy, editor “The Chronicle”

The sky is overcast, strong winds have been blowing since last night and a large heap of dry leaves has accumulated in front of my cabin in the Dharam Vira  Park. I try to scribble my last POTPOURRI.”Is it really going to be the last one?” I wonder and gaze at nothingness of the ceiling. I hear the gentle patter of raindrops on the window pane. More dry leaves have fallen.


Eight memorable springs have come and gone unnoticed. I see quite vividly the kaleidoscope of my stay…. in the Junior School- How I danced, ran, jumped, shouted and quarreled the whole afternoon. The entire panorama of my stay in School comes in a flash back. It was there in the shining corridors of the majestic Junior School building and its lush green lawns that I made so many friends whose number went on swelling every year. In a moment I find myself almost everywhere in School—on the playground, in the swimming pool, in the common-room, under a guava tree and also in front of Miss Malkani’s room to spend the rest of the afternoon there……Saturday comes and there is great excitement among us until the projector exercises the its power of veto.


More rain ,faster winds and more leaves. I came to the Senior School. There are so many things associated with us. The zealous and fiery debates, dramatics, societies, sports , cross-country, games, treks, Physics, Chemistry and also A.P.C. The best part of the day is always spent in  the D.V.P. I will miss the jolly crowd, their unbounded love, sympathy and boisterous laughter as well as their not so serious jeers, frowns and quarrels. Even the mute and inanimate objects seem to have a feeling of belongingness today. The tall palm guarding the auditorium, the five domes of the Kairon Block, the generous fruit trees of Shyam Bagh, the oft beaten vertical iron bar that punctuates our routine and the Housemaster’s rouser visit…..all come before my eyes like a pageantry of yester years.


Once again the iron bar is beaten. Lights out! I get up from my seat. The rain has abated. A strong gust of wind blows and the heap of dry leaves disappears.


Pictures show Baljeet win Prizes, doing mountaineering, dramtaics and with graduation from USC, California Dental school.