On Being The Cricket Coach!

Date: 25- 05- 21

The picture taken during an exhibition cricket match, ONA Vs  School Eleven in 2002 . it shows members of both teams.



On Being The Cricket Coach!


From  the Chronicle issue of March, 1972

Winning the Quadrangular  Cricket Tournament  in 1972 under the coaching of Mr. B.S. Bhatnagar, the English Master at that time.

The individual figures during the tournament.


Mr.B S Bhatnagar, on the right, visiting the historical section in School, when he came to receive the School’s’ Life Time Achievement Award’ for a Teacher in 2016.

At the Golden Jubilee of School in 2010. The Bhatnagars being honoured by Late Col Hardev Bajwa (S-25, 1966) on behalf of ONA.