(Maybe, it had to do with the school swimming pool, Lt Ravinder Kakar (R-97,1965-71), when the moment came during a cyclone, dove repeatedly to clear the harbour of wreckage and debris. This, during cyclonic winds and blinding waves with zero visibility under water, risking entanglement with fishing nets and underwater wreckage. An extra-ordinarily Brave Act! Worthy of Shaurya Chakra. Picture shows The School swimming pool, a nursery for many a swimmer.)
Capt. Ravinder Kakar, Shaurya Chakra (Retd.)
Capt. Ravinder Kakar (Retd.), son of late Mr. Inder Bir Kakar (EX-Physics 1962-77), was awarded the prestigious Shaurya Chakra in 1984 for his bravery during the severe cyclonic storm in 1982 off the coast of Orissa. In June of 1982 when Orissa was hit by a severe cyclone where the core of the cyclone hit the coast. Ravinder, an avid deep sea diver, led his team of divers to clear the harbour of wreckages. This was done very efficiently given the stormy conditions and near blinding waters.
Below is a picture of then Lt. Ravinder Kakar receiving the Shaurya Chakra from late President Giani Zail Singh.
Receiving the Honour
In later years Capt. Ravinder Kakar led many ships and off-shore establishments for the Indian Navy with success.
He now lives with his wife, Mrs. Vijay Kakar, in Pune and still continues to inspire his children and grandchildren with his real-life stories of valour and dedication.
With wife Vijay in Poona.
The Official Record
Year of Award :1984
Service No. : 01835-W
Rank at time of Award :Lieutenant
Unit :NAMAC (MB)
A severe cyclonic storm with a core of hurricane winds crossed the Orissa coast near Paradip leaving behind a trail of devastation. A large number of trawlers were sunk. Several small crafts were wrecking and sunk at various places inside the harbour. The wreckages made navigation inside the harbour hazardous thus closing it to shipping. Indian Navy was assigned the hazardous task of locating and extricating with utmost dispatch the sunken wreckages of the trawlers and other crafts buried in the sea bed.
On the 16th June, 1982, Lieutenant Ravinder Kakar, clearance Diving Officer (01835-W), was entrusted with the overall job of locating and removing the wreckages of sunken boats. Notwithstanding hazardous diving conditions posed by the fishing nets and the tangles wreckage and the near zero under water visibility he carried out the initial dives for locating the wreckage. Under his dynamic and inspiring leadership and sound organization, his tent succeeded in clearing the harbour in the shortest possible time.
Lieutenant Ravinder Kakar thus displayed a very high degree or professional competence, determination, courage and devotion to duty.